🞄 Imprint 🞄


CountR GmbH
Fahrenheitstrasse 6

D-14532 Kleinmachnow

Email: info@countr.de
Phone: +49-(0)33203-87 999-0
Fax: +49-(0)33203-87 999-99

Local court: Potsdam
Commercial register: HRB 19386 P
Tax number: 046/106/11759
USt ID DE 232 789 087

CEO: Dr. Andreas Huth

CTO: Christian Batzner

CFO: Thomas Schulze


The information, services and products mentioned on this website can contain mistakes or can be subject to temporary interruption. Although CountR Cash Systems GmbH does its best to make sure the information, services and products are being offered as accurately as possible, it can not be held liable for possible mistakes, errors, defects or other damages which might arise from the use of this website. Therefore CountR Cash Systems GmbH refrains itself from any responsibility whatsoever, within the borders of German legislation.